Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Bayou

Lyn and I headed out around noon to the Bayou. We arrive (late again) just in time for the second boil of crayfish and crabs. I need to say two things here - Lyn's family is great and the Bayou is amazing.

After shucking and sucking a good 4 pounds of shellfish we just hung around drinking beers and chatting the folks up. I made several jaunts to the actual Bayou to take pictures and just be amazed at what I was seeing. The smell alone, which is lovely but impossible to describe, is worth a trip.

After a second feeding frenzy we headed to Lyn's grandma's house on Barataria. You have to take a little bridge over (the only way of or off of the island) and Lyn has many stories of being stuck there when the bridge was out. It is just a way of living I could not imagine.

The damage to the island is bad but the people are recovering nicely. Everyone was so good to us and brought us into their homes and always told you to stop by anytime.

Tonight we will be meeting up with Dwayne, Lyn's son, and his GF to watch Dwayne compete in a pool tournament. After that we are headed to Cristal, a Spanish club, for some dancing. I am waging a war with my liver - I think I am winning.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Survival of the Fittest

We hit the first bar after getting a little lost. I was driving Quinn's new Jag and I was getting directions to all over the place. Turns out Ang doesn't go out too often so it took us awhile to find the first bar.

It was a huge, smoke filled place with pool tables, a DJ and mostly 20-somethings. It was also ladies night so drinks were mostly free. We started with tequila shots, moved on to jello-shots (I easily avoided those with a "hey, I am driving here") and I ended up with a nice scotch in a Styrofoam cup. I just kept staring at this little white thing and reminding myself I was in the deep south.

Apparently the boys there had a thing for older woman; we were pretty much hounded. I don't think these good ol' boys were used to hearing no cause every time I said it they asked me to repeat myself.

Lyn and Quinn managed to get pretty smashed over the first hour. At one point Lyn grabbed a hold of her two old friends and promptly pulled them to the floor. I decided it was time to run to the next stop.

We were invited by two guys, Nick and Todd, to a blues bar about ten minutes from the first place we were at. However it took about 20 minutes due to having to dodge the sobriety check points (two in a one mile radius).

On the way there we lost Lyn in the front seat to sleep (that is what we are calling it) and Quinn managed to hang most of her body out the window to vomit. By the time we reached our destination we were down to three girls. We left the windows cracked and headed in.

I was very pleased to walk up to the bar and see Red Stripe and Kilian Red in the cooler. So far the beer choices had been Bud, Bud-light, Miller, Miller-light, Coors, Coors-light and the fancier choice of Corona.

There was a two man band playing covers and pool table in the back, but that is all I needed. I managed to convince Ang to play doubles with me and two drunk guys who played better seeing double than I ever have sober. We got whooped the first game but I managed to warm up and at least keep pace thereafter.

By 2:30 am we were all pretty done.

Currently the three others are passed out and Ang and I are cooking pizza as a bedtime snack. Her house is amazing and I am pleased just to sit in her beautiful back yard in the middle of the night and feel the warm breeze on my legs.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

On The Smelly Road

Worked our way across Texas in a little over six hours. After the first two hours my ass kept falling asleep every few miles and I would have to sit on one of my hands to massage it only to have my hand fall asleep, thus creating a very vicious cycle

Lyn and I chatted, made phone calls, and listened to music all the way into LA. Then, the minute we made the state line we hit the first drive-thru daquari place we could find. Gotta love Louisiana.

We arrived at Lyn's best-friend Angies house six hours late. Yes, you read that right, six. She lives in Lafayette, the first of many stops for Lyn and I. We were greeted by Ang, Quinn, and a co-worker of Qu's named Katina. We are heading out the door to go bar hopping. Wish me luck people, this is my first romp in the South and I am the designated driver...

Lyn and Kim Dabble in Crack

Lyn thinks it is ok to wake me at the ungodly hour of quarter of 7 CA time. I am a little hungover and lacking my much needed beauty sleep. Being a natural beauty, I don't think Lyn understands how much this sleep in needed.

I got to meet Whitney's honey, Hunter last night. He showed me is best side...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I Have Arrived

I arrived in Austin and was immediately wisked to Lyn and Whitneys for dinner and wine. The drunken Whore Tour has begun! We will rock you!

PS - Whitney won't be joining us for the NOLA portion of the Whore Tour - She has a court date.

And So It Begins

It is 10:00 AM and I am at work. Just a few things to do then I am off to NOLA! Lyn and I will be posting twice a day so keep checking in.

Love to you all.
